Company News
Date 10th Dec.,2016 is the final round in Y’2016 of TPC VINA CSR activity “For a better living condition for children”.
Looking back over the past 4 quarterly activities sometimes was fatigue, painful and difficult but we feel very pleased that our achievements are the joyous happiness of the children who really need our concern and taking care.
The 4th school which TPC VINA came over for this time is Phuoc Binh 1 kindergarten located on Phuoc Binh commune, Dong Nai province- the school is very poor of facilities, old and steel fence is also damaged. So that why we chose this school for our 4th CSR Activity .
All volunteers are working very hard no matter what the hot weather or the difficulty
All volunteers take photo together
By cheering and great supporting from TPC VINA volunteers, Board of directors, members of local youth group and teachers, on action day to renew Phuoc Binh school seems to become more meaningful and more engrossed.

TPC VINA Board of Director take photo with teacher of Phuoc Binh school

TPC VINA Board of director, volunteers and teachers take photo with children
On the ceremony day, all children also have more 2 rocking toys made by TPC VINA volunteers and a swing toy together with snacks and candies. The happiness show on their faces.
2016 closed with 4 Kindergarten schools in Dong Nai province was more spacious, fuller, and one thing that we are most concerned is the children get a better living environment and more secure.
Y’2017 has started, TPC VINA would like to wish for everyone to have a new year is always full of health, a warm and loving heart and prosperous.
Once again TPC VINA honestly thanks to all teachers, volunteers, youth members and local governments was supported us in this activity.
See you again in other meaningful CSR.activity.